Wednesday, April 11, 2007

New Shirt Site.

So it would be nice to win some money on Threadless and all, plus getting your t-shirt seen and printed, but the chances of winning on that site are 1 in a bugillion. So instead of holding on to empty dreams, I took the oppurtunity to upload some designs I had onto this new site call bountee. There you don't have to win, and anyone can buy all my designs, plus many other great ones from other designers. Provided is a link directly to my shirt designs, as well as a long lasting link in the "cool sites" section to the general shopping page at bountee. I hope you go and check out the site, it seems pretty cool, and don't forget to buy your very own Mr. Elliott Design Tee's!

My T-Shirt Designs

1 comment:

Curt said...

hey what a great idea~!