Friday, August 31, 2007


Balloon Dog Poo - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

Vote for my idea thats already been done before, TWICE now...

But seriously, still give it a 5 or I wont be your friend... :D

Monday, August 27, 2007

Illustration Friday - Visitor

Ever see this guy through your peep hole? Enjoy!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

New Threadless Illustration

I had this idea kicking around for a while, an idea I felt good enough for a Threadless submission. Though when I went to post it, I decided to do a quick check on google to see if the idea had been done before since I didn't feel it was TOO terribly un-obvious. Sad to say, a similar, yet different idea (the poop was real, gross huh?) had been submitted a few years back, but since I feel mine is better executed and has the balloon poo rather than then real thing, I felt I would submit it anyways.

I will post the voting when it becomes available, thanks for looking! Enjoy!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Bountee Sale

So that site, you know, the one on the left in my links section? The one where I upload my shirt designs for ALL of you to buy? The one where you can support your favorite designer? Yah, well that site is having a 50% OFF SALE!. Simply type in BONITAS when checking out and get your deal, so why not take this time to buy some shirts? The offer is good until Monday, you could buy MY SHIRTS, or someone else's if you feel the urge.

Go ahead, don't be scared.

P.S. - Notice the nifty header in the image above?

Monday, August 20, 2007

Monday, August 13, 2007

Illustration Friday - Emergency

My second Illustration Friday posting, I think I like how it came out this time around. And just an explanation, it's an emergency in the sorts where a giant robot destroys a Japanese city :D. Let me know what you think, and thanks for looking! Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Some Comps

Hope you enjoy them more then Carl did :D.


Some variations of the past logos I posted that were ultimately not chosen.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Illustration Friday - Missing

So here it is, a first try at Illustration Friday, a website with a weekly illustration topic, you should check it out!

This week the topic was Missing, and that was an all too fitting subject for this week to me. On Friday i lost my cat Oiler, she lived a long life of 17 years though. I can't remember a life without her so its been tough, so I based my illustration on her absence in my life now.

Looking at and doing this illustration brought up some frustrations I've been having lately with my work. I feel my illustration ideas are getting better and the style of them are getting better in my mind, but when I sit down to create my pieces I feel myself rushing and ultimately cutting too many corners and always letting myself down in terms of the quality and style of my work. So take a look, this is (hopefully) the last you will see of lazy corner cutting me and hopefully the quality of the work I do and post will go up and you will like it more and more and one day so much your heads will explode.

So I hope you enjoy this, and if Oiler is checking my blog in kitty heaven, this ones for you!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007